July 24, 2009

Another what not to do

So we went out, we had fun, we kissed for awhile in the parking lot and you went on vacation. I had another date with someone else the next night. I didn't hear from you for a few days but spent most of them with my new "friend" so a week and a half later when I hear from you, you are old news. I tell you I'm going out of town (I really did) here are a few things not to follow that statement with:

1- That is too bad, I was hoping to meet and make out tonight and go on a date.
(follow up text) Not that I only want to make out with you, we can go on a date too

2- Text me when you get back

3- (a few days later) Hope you are having fun, text me when you get back

4- (the day I told you I'd be back, 9 AM) how was your trip? was I supposed to text you today or are you texting me?

5- (few hours later) I still haven't heard from you, home yet?

6- (few hours later) Just checking in

I would like to point out that I replied after text #1 and didn't say anything else.

I don't recommend this approach.


Mormon Bachelor Pad said...

Some guys have no game.

Erin said...

well that sounds familiar.

That Chick said...

wow. can you say my last relationship? or a semblance thereof.