September 12, 2009

Let's Define "Compromise"

Well, I'm in a mess. The one-hit wonder date seems to be unfazed by my lack of interest and is confusing my very busy schedule for, well, a very busy schedule rather than the date-dodging that it really is. Most people seem to run from the first sign of "no" but not this guy. I decided we needed to let him down gently. I prefer not to crush his little heart that our make out was just that and not a confession of my love-for-him-at-first-sight.

Monday- missed phone call, followed by a text that he just remembered I was at the movies followed by a voicenote. (Really? why did you not leave a voicemail message when you called me 5 minutes beforehand?) "Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm sorry if we jumped into kissing too soon for you the other night. That was probably too physical for a first day"

Tuesday I avoided replying to him for a few hours, once he'd asked how late I stayed up, what chocolate brand I liked, did I like Toblerone, was I awake still, and what for my plans for the night; I finally replied that I was going to bed and ignored all the previous texts.

Wednesday night I was sick and didn't reply again. This time I was dodging things like, smile, I miss you you, hope to see you soon... and the like. I finally replied around 11 p.m. and told him I was sick (I really was) and was going to bed. He offered to bring me chicken soup. I said no. Even if he wasn't a weirdo I would have said no, I was tired and not about to stay awake any longer than necessary.

Thursday- this was it, the day I was pulling the plug. I'd given it a lot of thought and had it figured out. I sent him this text: "So I don't think this is going to work for me, we got too physical too fast. Sorry." I didn't think I'd hear back from him at all but I was wrong. I get the following reply: "How about a compromise?" I know I grew up in a different world than most but I thought the idea of a compromise was pretty universal and I had no idea how not seeing each other could be compromised but he had a suggestion: "give me 5 dates, if I try to get physical or at the end of those 5 I'm not what you want, I'll disappear." He then told me I can think in it since its such a "big decision". I think the compromise he had in mind was the nothing physical part but I don't see why on earth he would want to spend money on me when I told him no. plus FIVE dates? That is like a whole month of dates! why oh why would I spend with a guy that I have no interest in?

Meanwhile: Jason is confusing me.

Tuesday I heard from him and he was canceling our date on Saturday. I'm pretty disappointed about this. At the time he claimed it was the mission farewell for a long time family friend but I've now developed my own theory. He told me today that he gets super nervous when it comes to going on dates. He says he's fine doing things and I know he's made out with his share of girls but call an activity a date and he will panic. I think he had too long to think about it and panicked. I also think this means the movie outing (which I cancelled) was more of a date in his book than it was a "hang out." I told him that some guy I randomly met wanted to date seriously and had suggested a 5 date compromise and he didn't seem to like this story at all (I left out the kissing part) he told me to tell him that a good compromise is we have 0 dates and I'm nice to him if I ever see him again. (little did he know just how weird this guy keeps getting and what a compromise that is on my end! my ability to be nice drops with each time I say no)

Needless to say, one-hit-wonder is just that and will be getting NO dates but I still want to date Jason- I'm just not sure how to make this happen. I have a theory that the slightly older Mormon guys worth dating tend to need a little extra work and I've decided I'm ok putting in the work for him. I just don't know how to approach it...

Oh and now I need a date for Saturday since he cancelled :(


Eppy said...

ew, he sounds gross. don't even give him the time of day, he seems pretty much like a stalker-crazy sort of guy. i wouldn't go there if i were you. :P

Craig Barlow B. said...

I think I'm pretty often guilty of refusing to take a hint that someone is not interested. I am equally guilty of being unable to take a hint that someone is interested. It's a real dilemma, being completely clueless all of the time.

Granted, this fellow seems a bit overbearing.