September 16, 2008

The Follower

As many of you know, just being nice to a boy can be very disasterous. The simple act of being kind to someone when everyone else around them is being mean can lead to a follower for life! This story comes from my friend who is a recent college graduate, I had to post it for your reading pleasure! (the names of everyone in this story have been changed of course!)

My friend Amy had a TA in one of her classes who had a difficult time with the English language. While everyone else in the class was rude about his obvious struggle, Amy was just very nice to him. She felt bad that everyone was being so stupid about his language abilities so whenever he would talk to her she would just be nice. So basically Amy was just being a good person.... she wasn't putting the vibe out to date the TA..... much to her dismay, here are a few emails that came her way after the class had finished!

Hi Amy

Tomorrow morning I go to (foreign country name here).
I will miss (city name here). (City name here) is almost my second hometown. I have lived here for 2 and half years since I came to US.

I will have good time with my family and friends.
And I will come back on Dec, 31 with refresh mind.
I hope Amy also has a nice winter break.

I have something to tell you that I like you so much.
You are beautiful and you touched my mind last year.
I wanted to tell it when I meet you. But it's not easy to meet you.
And I don't worry about telling this by email because you are wise lady.

I have also a favor to Amy.

If you don't have boy friend, I want to hang out(Bowling, movie, dinner, etc…) with you.
Through those, we can know whether our minds match or not.
I tell it now because you will graduate the (college name here) this March.
I will send email continuously in order to get "okay" answer from Amy.


After a brief encounter on Valentine's Day involving the giving of flowers and candy, Amy received yet another email with Joe's confessions of his feelings:

Hi Amy!
How are you?
First of all, I believe that there is critical error in the computer program. Definitely, 2007 [insert College name here] Queen should be Amy on homecoming day. Why? I've never seen the beautiful, excellent student than Amy in [insert College Name here].
Did you remember the makeup experiment on last year?
Frankly speaking, I was exciting because of it before 1 week.
I liked you. I'm still Amy' fan.

Do you have a plan tomorrow?
I will give many candies to children in my church.
Tomorrow evening I go to church to practice choir song.

If you have free time, I want to have lunch with you at PizzaHut tomorrow. Of course, I will buy it for you.
We can meet at 1 pm in front of PizzaHut (you can see ________ hall). My cell 555-555-5555.

My schedule
8:00-10:00 : recitation class
12:00-12:50: class
and free.

Please let me know if you can meet me.(send email or call me)
You can change time, and location we meet if you want.

If you are busy, so even though we can't meet ...that's fine.
I already received unforgettable, amazing present(memory) from Amy because of your surprising visit on last February
I will keep your prayer in my mind.
Happy Halloween.
( I prepared something to eat for recitation class students)


So thus ends the email confessions of Amy's follower, for the time being anyway.....

1 comment:

Audrey said...

This is seriously funny. That poor guy, though what could she do, really...