September 5, 2008

My First Date- the precursor to disaster!

Growing up we had the rule, No dating till you're 16.  Before that point I'd always imagined that the day I'd turn 16 I'd have a list of boys waiting to take me out.  Let's get real, that doesn't actually happen.  My 16th birthday came and went with no dates.  I wasn't too upset, there wasn't really anyone I was interested in at that time so the only part that I was disappointed with was I just wanted to go on a date.  One day I get a call from a girl friend saying she was going out that night with a guy from a few towns over and he was bringing his friend and did I want to double?  DUH!  of course I did!  They came and picked me up and we headed off to the bowling alley.  Now the boys had eaten dinner before they came and being teenage boys, who knows what they ate.  I don't even remember how far into the night we had gotten when disaster struck.  Food poisoning.  So my first date was spent outside the bathroom door with my friend while he boys were inside.  Memorable.  Perhaps this was the precursor to all the future dating disaster I would face and it was just life's little joke and way of getting me used to it but the stories seem to just get even more entertaining from that point on!      

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