September 28, 2009


how many months do I want to wait for this? last Tuesday my little brother called and asked me out on a date for Friday. Cute right? considering that certain other people aren't asking me out in a time line I'm ok with and I've now spent quite a while thinking he was a good idea, saying yes to my brother seemed like a great idea. Friday rolled around and as usual, the emails were going. As with every previous weekend, what we were each doing for the weekend came up. Early on I used to get excited that by asking what my plans were maybe he'd ask me out but now I look at it as more of a topic of discussion. You can imagine my surprise when he said his plans had cancelled and he wanted to get a date and what was I up to? I thought for maybe a second about canceling on my brother but then decided not to, after all he had told his girlfriend he couldn't go out that night plus did I really want to be that accessible? I don't really like the games but at the same time the chase is good. We talked for quite awhile about how col it was my brother was taking me out. He thought that was great and was really excited about it.

So here it is Monday. He's being weird in email, again. He's being weird when I tell him about my weekend, (I ran into an old friend that I hadn't heard from in years) but yet, do I have any dates with him? No.

So the question is, how long do I want to keep him around for? I do have a few other options that I've been stringing along on the side that I could be a little more friendly with but I also suspect that once I explore other choices he will drop away and it seems like he's getting a little more forward with things so I'm not sure what I want to do. But then my alternate choices won't really let me string them along indefinitely either so there are choices to be made...

Worth waiting around for or not?


Some boys just don't take a hint. Friday a week ago I was driving home from work when who should call but the one-hit-wonder (OHW) boy. I'm not going to lie my first thought was to ignore the call but then I decided that would just lead to more calls and I might as well just get it over with so I answered.

OHW- so I figured that since I haven't heard from you in a week that means you probably decided not to take me up on the 5-date compromise. I just had to call and ask though, I mean when your future is on the line you have to find out
Me- Sorry about that, I thought it over quite a bit and I just don't think this is a good idea. I feel like I would just be wasting your time and money by letting you take me out
OHW- How is that wasting time and money? you are an amazing girl and together we are an amazing couple and I think the future could be endless for us.
Me- I appreciate you calling and thank you for thinking I'm that amazing but there are other girls out there that will be even better for you
OHW- I know that but I would be ok with you
Me- yeah, sorry this just won't work out.
OHW- well if you change your mind I'll always be here and if you ever have an emergency you can call me. I want to hear all about your triathlon tomorrow
Me- oh well, they had to shorten the swim portion so I'm sure it will be great. Good luck with everything

So that he called to find out if he had a chance I can respect. I know that one of the worst things is wondering "what-if" but I think that the other half of making that call is knowing that if the answer is no it just has to be no and because you are the one that brought it up you can't be a jerk about it if the person you called is being nice. Telling me that he knows there are better girls out there but he's ok with me really came across as he'd settle for me, not exactly the romantic-win-my-heart kind of comment I'm sure he was going for.

I did not call to tell him the triathlon results either. I think a clean finish is good, especially since we weren't friends to begin with.

September 12, 2009

Let's Define "Compromise"

Well, I'm in a mess. The one-hit wonder date seems to be unfazed by my lack of interest and is confusing my very busy schedule for, well, a very busy schedule rather than the date-dodging that it really is. Most people seem to run from the first sign of "no" but not this guy. I decided we needed to let him down gently. I prefer not to crush his little heart that our make out was just that and not a confession of my love-for-him-at-first-sight.

Monday- missed phone call, followed by a text that he just remembered I was at the movies followed by a voicenote. (Really? why did you not leave a voicemail message when you called me 5 minutes beforehand?) "Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm sorry if we jumped into kissing too soon for you the other night. That was probably too physical for a first day"

Tuesday I avoided replying to him for a few hours, once he'd asked how late I stayed up, what chocolate brand I liked, did I like Toblerone, was I awake still, and what for my plans for the night; I finally replied that I was going to bed and ignored all the previous texts.

Wednesday night I was sick and didn't reply again. This time I was dodging things like, smile, I miss you you, hope to see you soon... and the like. I finally replied around 11 p.m. and told him I was sick (I really was) and was going to bed. He offered to bring me chicken soup. I said no. Even if he wasn't a weirdo I would have said no, I was tired and not about to stay awake any longer than necessary.

Thursday- this was it, the day I was pulling the plug. I'd given it a lot of thought and had it figured out. I sent him this text: "So I don't think this is going to work for me, we got too physical too fast. Sorry." I didn't think I'd hear back from him at all but I was wrong. I get the following reply: "How about a compromise?" I know I grew up in a different world than most but I thought the idea of a compromise was pretty universal and I had no idea how not seeing each other could be compromised but he had a suggestion: "give me 5 dates, if I try to get physical or at the end of those 5 I'm not what you want, I'll disappear." He then told me I can think in it since its such a "big decision". I think the compromise he had in mind was the nothing physical part but I don't see why on earth he would want to spend money on me when I told him no. plus FIVE dates? That is like a whole month of dates! why oh why would I spend with a guy that I have no interest in?

Meanwhile: Jason is confusing me.

Tuesday I heard from him and he was canceling our date on Saturday. I'm pretty disappointed about this. At the time he claimed it was the mission farewell for a long time family friend but I've now developed my own theory. He told me today that he gets super nervous when it comes to going on dates. He says he's fine doing things and I know he's made out with his share of girls but call an activity a date and he will panic. I think he had too long to think about it and panicked. I also think this means the movie outing (which I cancelled) was more of a date in his book than it was a "hang out." I told him that some guy I randomly met wanted to date seriously and had suggested a 5 date compromise and he didn't seem to like this story at all (I left out the kissing part) he told me to tell him that a good compromise is we have 0 dates and I'm nice to him if I ever see him again. (little did he know just how weird this guy keeps getting and what a compromise that is on my end! my ability to be nice drops with each time I say no)

Needless to say, one-hit-wonder is just that and will be getting NO dates but I still want to date Jason- I'm just not sure how to make this happen. I have a theory that the slightly older Mormon guys worth dating tend to need a little extra work and I've decided I'm ok putting in the work for him. I just don't know how to approach it...

Oh and now I need a date for Saturday since he cancelled :(

September 7, 2009

Things in threes?

They say people die in threes but apparently there are a few more things that happen in threes, like boys.

Friday night my emailing "friend" (the one I mentioned last week) and I established that we are going to the State Fair next weekend. Yeah! it is also officially a date so this is a good thing. Thank you for the votes with what to do. He ended up initiating things after all.

Not 30 minutes after we finished talking a friend from a prior ward who I hear from every few months sent me a IM (apparently I'm very into electronic communication lately) and asked for my number so we could go out sometime. He's been a casual friend for awhile so while it isn't as exciting as the State Fair, I'm sure it could be fun.

The next day, Saturday, I was up the canyon and met this guy who started small talking and when I went to leave asked for my number. I decided to go for it, I mean, asking for my number doesn't even mean he'll actually use it so what does it hurt.

3 boys, 15 hours. And one of me. I never handle juggling more than 2 well.

Unfortunately he did use it, right away. I was watching the BYU - Oklahoma game and he wanted game updates. After we pulled off the win, he suggested we celebrate by eating ice cream. I decided again to go for it. (bad idea) after all, its just ice cream right? He came over and we were laughing then sitting at the table eating and he decided to hold my hand. Then he suggested we cuddle on the couch. I was very sunburnt and not that interested in cuddling (I'm still excited about the State Fair, this week is not a good week for other boys) but then I also like to cuddle and I was already holding his hand (bad idea, I know) so I didn't see too many other choices. We cuddled for all of 5 minutes before he decided to kiss me. I knew at this point that I wasn't THAT into him but of course it was late, I was tired and kissing is fun. So I went with it.

Here is a list of things not to tell a girl the day you meet her and the first time you are kissing:
You are my universe
You are the 7th girl I've ever kissed and already you are more important than any of the others, including my ex-fiance
I really wanted my first kiss to be over the alter
Have you kissed much more people than me? I bet you haven't you don't seem like a slutty girl (I've kissed QUITE a few more... does that mean I'm a slut?)
We are an amazing couple
Can I see you every day this week?
I don't want to go home tonight
Want me to take my shirt off? (I would like to point out that everything was totally appropriate so where the idea to start taking clothes off was coming from is beyond me)
I've never worked anywhere for more than a few months. Either I quit or get fired
I still live at home (he's pushing 30) and besides my mission I always have
I currently don't have a job
One day I plan to finish college
Will you come to my ward temple night this week with me?

The good thing that came out of all of this is now I just have to figure out how to juggle the email boy and the guy from my old ward (who I'm hoping will take awhile to ask me on a date anyway so then I won't have to worry about it!)

As for the guy I kissed... I already turned him down four times this week to do things so I'm hoping he gets the idea.

Yeah for this Saturday though!